The shape of things to come
Course Description
Increasingly, jobs require a basic understanding of the core technologies behind the internet. This course will provide you with a working knowledge of HTML, CSS, domain registration, web hosting, JavaScript, server-side scripting, SFTP, and more. We will explore these technologies and work toward designing a functional, user-friendly website.
Upon completion of this course, you will be able to meet the following learning outcomes:
Design Process
Follow the creative web site design process from concept through production.
Creative Code
Construct web site architecture to organize information and display content effectively.
Aesthetic Design
Apply visual aesthetics and hierarchy for enhanced web site usability.
Future Proof
Develop and maintain standards-compliant web sites.
What I Expect of You
- Attend all classes †
- All assignments need to be completed on time ‡
- All students need to participate individually and as a contributing member of the class, especially in sharing discoveries with one another
Classroom Conduct
- Students are to focus their attention on the subjects at hand in the classroom, i.e., lectures, presentations, discussions, and set aside all other activities.
- All open communication (talking) should be relevant to the subject at hand and have value to the class as a whole.
- Competitiveness between students will be friendly and encouraging at all times.
- All other rules of behavior will be discussed and agreed to by the class on the first day
† Attendance and Tardy Policy — Attendance is mandatory. Lack of attendance will affect your grade because absences will not only leave holes in understanding of the lesson contents but also degrade the benefit to other students in regard to discussions and work sessions. Coming to class late or leaving early will also be counted as absences without prior approval from the instructor.
‡ Late assignments — Assignments/Midterm Project not turned in on time (4:00pm on the due date) will be docked 15 points. Assignments not turned in by 4:00pm one week after the due date will receive a 0.
Class Materials
I will provide class materials that will be made available to all students registered for this class as they are intended to supplement the learning experience. These materials may be downloaded during the course, however, these materials are for registered students' use only. Classroom materials may not be reproduced or shared with those not in class, or uploaded to other online environments except to implement an approved Office of Student AccessAbility accommodation. Failure to comply with these University requirements is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct.
Because this course builds on concepts learned week-to-week, it’s important that you participate individually and collectively to insure that everyone has a successful leaning experience. You’ll be evaluated on:
- Attendance
- Participation
- Assignments, ‡ and
- Quality of work completed from week to week.
Assignments will be discussed throughout the course, with specific requirements spelled out.
Grading Scale
A | 91-100 | Excellent |
B | 81-90 | Above Average |
C | 71-80 | Average |
D | 61-70 | Poor |
F | 0-60 | Failing |
Course Outline
Week 1 | Course Overview, Intro to HTML: Elements & Structure |
Week 2 | What the Web is Made of: An Introduction to HTML, CSS, Essential HTML: Document Standards |
Week 3 | Essential HTML: Tables |
Week 4 | Essential HTML: Forms. Sitemapping. |
Week 5 | Essential HTML: Semantic HTML |
Week 6 | CSS: Syntax and Selectors |
Week 7 | CSS: Visual Rules |
Week 8 | CSS: The Box Model |
Week 9 | CSS: Display and Positioning, Midterm Due |
Week 10 | CSS: Colors, Typography |
Week 11 | CSS: Layout With Flexbox |
Week 12 | CSS: Grid |
Week 13 | CSS: Transitions |
Week 14 | CSS: Responsive Design |
Week 15 | Lab Time |
Week 16 | Final Project Presentations |